
65 Audio Reviews

29 w/ Responses

you've really improved. its a nice build up, isn't to strong but the drop and pre drop do blend a bit to hard together, and sound a bit to similar for my liking but that's just me.
punchy kicks nice punchy bass and nice melody and neat sounding.

the sound design feels clean and prim but still stands outs nicely.

techno. isn't my general expertise but id say you'd hit the nail here i like it.
sorry for not having any more in depth critics its just a solid track that i myself struggle to find many things that break it for me.

Gr4vity responds:

It's completely fine :)
Thank you so much for your opinion as always!

as per the usual nice high quality, bouncy melody, good stuff from what I'm used to from you. keep it up. :)

OVERSCORE responds:

Thank you for the compliments!

i get the feeling of constant aggression mixed with the feeling of wanting to know why.
the feeling to fight the world and the world not attacking back.
the mixing the hits and the melody contribute to something that feels heavy without the use of being bass heavy i like it.

OVERSCORE responds:

I tried to leave these open to interpretation, and that is seriously a deep one

i finally got around to listening to this and im glad i did this feels full and in the areas where there more empty feels like a spark is hitting to light once again the idea behind the song and title i feel fit really well keep going mate.


OVERSCORE responds:

Glad you enjoyed it!

well made mate very nice

CrystaluxX responds:

Thanks! ;)

its not bad its strange but interesting to listen too didnt leave me bored while listening and was overall not half bad.

The most i can get it for is the strange bass in the beginning till around 50 seconds in and the melody which granted is decent and gets a feel to the piece of the track its in around 50 - 1:17.

the transition there is basic but gets the job done a fade in and out but feels disjointed and a bit out of place but at the same time works well enough that it doesnt take away from my enjoyment

The pause after the drop fits well and the break i love honestly

the end tho feels chaotic and like you were trying to shove to many melodies together making it sound a bit jumbled and out of sync and tempo

this is just my opinion i hope this helps a little bit nice track was interesting to listen to and enjoy your day

Gr4vity responds:

Thank you so much for your opinion dude! :)

It's my first track that I wanted to fill with lots of bass and hard beat at all costs but it didn't go too well as expected.

The end was initially empty in the first version but then I decided to fill it with hard sounds as much as possible.

The work itself is mediocre to me, too hard basses are not necessary and I'm aware of that :/
Also there is not atmosphere in it.

If my career continues as much as possible I'll certainly do a V2 of this :)
I hope my next song will be better ;)


This sent chills up and down my spine

i love music like this it makes you feel like your high up flying through the air

X3LL3N responds:

There's a whole EP in that theme coming soon ^^

welp there goes all of my money

itsmevxrto responds:


amazing job you 2

Just your average nobody and ghost
Call me Vae

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